About Me
Urbanist. Designer. Dedicated to public service. Currently an network stewardship & engagement associate at Build It Green. Previously a strategic community engagement consultant at Community Planning Collaborative and CivicMakers and intern at San Francisco Planning, City of Berkeley Public Works, NYC Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity, Judicial Council of California, and a couple of tech startups. Interested in community engagement, information + knowledge management, public space + urban design, and service design. Passionate about providing technical assistance and capacity building in communities and government. Always looking to connect with people doing mission-driven work!
Fun Stuff
I enjoy bouldering / rock climbing (mostly indoors).
I just started getting into punch needle!
I tried to start a collection of city planning-themed board games, but realized I have no one to play with.
Currently Reading:
Exhalation: Stories - Ted Chiang
Select Works
Excelsior & Outer Mission Streetscape Design Guidelines (Client: SF Planning Department)
San Francisco’s Public User Research Program (Client: SF Digital Services)
Countywide Transportation Plan (Client: Napa Valley Transportation Authority
675 East Santa Clara Street Planning Process (Client: Santa Clara County Housing Authority)
Citywide Strategic Plan and Vision (Client: City of Mountain View)